The Art of shaping reality.

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

- Charles R. Swindoll

We’ve all heard this quote.

How many of you actively work on that?

If you are aware that YOUR perception of reality is YOUR reality, it’s time to take action.

This is how you gain leverage.

The brain is a powerful organ, the most advanced technology on Earth shaped by billion years of cold, calculated, and ruthless natural selection.

Consider that the brain is an OS.

An Operating System.

Let’s just accept this as a fact for the current demonstration.

The human brain is a highly sophisticated OS, geared for survival and efficiency.

We are mostly unaware of the mental processes happening within us.

We call that the unconscious.

Studies suggest we have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day.

That’s 62 thoughts per minute.

This newsletter is not about meditation, but I need to emphasize: without meditation, your brain operates autonomously, often repeating negative thoughts endlessly.

While you may notice some negative thoughts, a daily transcript of your thoughts would likely shock you with the number of reps youConsistent repetition ingrains thoughts as truth within the brain, whether positive or negative, shaping subsequent actions.


This practice is taught by self-development Gurus: « Self-Affirmations ».

Be cautious of labels others attach to you. Inexperienced people will conform to those perceptions.

If your parents repeatedly told you you were lazy when you were a child, chances are you acted like a lazy because you ended up thinking you were lazy!

Labeling people is a powerful tool in social dynamics, but this is for another time.

Understand that if you are not actively creating your reality, someone is creating your reality.

You will be the product of your environment by default.

Do. Not. Let. Anyone. Define. You.

Everybody is influenced by someone.

You can only choose who influences you.

Your time is limited.

You can not afford to live someone’s life.

 You get a new device.

What’s the FIRST thing you do?

Delete USELESS apps?

Install USEFUL apps?

Why aren’t you doing the same with yourself?

Why do you keep running obsolete apps in the background?

Another analogy :

Your mind is a huge and wonderful garden.

Left neglected, many weeds will spread until your garden looks like a center for waste in the middle of the jungle.

Deleting apps is akin to removing weeds.

The more frequently you do it, the easier it gets.

Today, I’m going to show you how to get Admin’s rights on your own personal OS.

(Or the best gardening tool on the market!)


Steve Jobs is the archetype of the man who had such a powerful perception of reality that it replaced the “real” reality!

That was coined "Reality Distortion Field"

"He would be able to convince himself, and others around him, to believe almost anything with a mix of charm, charisma, bravado, hyperbole, marketing, appeasement, and persistence.

It was said to distort his co-workers' sense of proportion and scales of difficulties and to make them believe that whatever impossible task he had at hand was possible. "

Jobs was no ordinary man, he defied conventions and created his own reality in which he made the rules.

He embodies with absolute excellence the Art of Shaping Reality to one’s benefit.

Interested? Here’s how you can learn it.

1) Notice your thoughts, practice mindfulness and meditate, and focus on observing your mind.

2) Whenever you notice an unwelcomed thought (A thought either detrimental to your life or that serves no purpose to you) ACT NOW.

3) Delete this line of code and enter a new entry that suits your interests.

4) Repeat until you achieve the desired level of success in your life.

5) Then, with time, your brain will subconsciously run its own maintenance

Here is how you reprogram your brain so that it becomes your most loyal slave.

I’m not going to lie to you.

It takes time and effort.

But it is infinitely rewarding.

Now that you know the fundamentals, let me tell you about Healthy Delusion.

They are the delusions that add value to your life and give you an edge.

They are created with a clear purpose and so repeated that your brain will think they are true (What a dummy LOL).

Consider them as a magic and infinite bag. You can fill them with (almost) anything you’d like!

My favorites are :

“I’m the Universe experiencing my own singularity” &

“The Universe is on my side”

(You can replace it with: « I’m God/Allah/Whatever’s favorite son »)

(Note: this is how I see my place in the world, do what suits you the best)

Now, I know for a fact that I am the Divine in an organic body.

Now, I know that every decision I make is the best I could take because I am the vessel in which the Higher Force or Whatever flows in.

I’ve unlocked the cheat code for infinite confidence. 

Everything that happens to me is done to teach me or reward me with something.

Let me share another :

 “I’m the luckiest man in the Universe”

If you keep pushing it, you will create your own reality distortion field, and the people around will start to believe you because your radiations are able to rewrite reality.

This is called “Frame”.

Your frame is YOUR REALITY.

“Hold frame at all costs.

Nothing is more important in your life.”

You’re now equipped to tackle life, forge your destiny, create your reality, and destroy your competition.

  • Romain from @Ancient_Mastery





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