The Power of Your Other Hand

Most of you are right-handed. Have you ever wondered why you are not ambidextrous ?

Understand that the brain is an extremely EFFICIENT living organism.

It RULES your life and CREATES your reality.

In a ENDLESS quest for efficiency, your brain has evolved over MILLIONS of years of natural selection, leading to lateralization.


This is why you end up with a dominant hand.

Just imagine if your brain had to learn everything for both sides !

Most people misunderstand ambidextry. 

It prevents the brain from lateralizing.

What you learn from one side will be mirrored on the other side by default.

Every physical skill would be harder to master !

The right hand is associated with logic, maths and analytic skills.

The left-hand is associated with creativity, intuition and spatial abilities.

Let me share a secret with you.

You can tap into an INFINITE source of creativity and intuition.

How ?

By USING your other hand.

Playing tennis ? Making music ? Writing ? Cooking ?

Switch hand. Use as much as you can your non-dominant hand in your daily life and notice the MAGIC that follows !

Your brain will build NEW NEURAL NETWORKS between both hemispheres.

Allowing for an overall BETTER BRAIN COMMUNICATION.

That’s literally going to make you SMARTER !

Now, GO AND CRUSH the competition.


or to participate.